Post by tesla sTinkerPost by Dennis GertPost by tesla sTinkeryou do not have to worry about atomic nuclear war,
because God is going to pound you with flames from heaven,
asteroids first.
The population growth numbers do not look good. 2023 years ago,
there were only less than 200 million humans. The other humans,
approximately 7.8 billion, probably died for their own death sin.
There might have been a bigger atomic nuke war about 3700 years ago,
when the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed.
to many liars, God hates liars.
what a mess Biden. flesh death lover. HE should step down immediate.
You cannot hide the truth and lie about it.
Hammer Scorecard is no joke. They are all lying
trying to get rich anyway that they can? Trump never lied,
he already had his money. I dont think Jesus
did that to the world with the one talent and a nobleman he spoke about
in his true story... Most do not understand it was not Jesus that did
that. It was the nobleman speaking.!!! They called the nobleman Lord.
Not God.... They do not understand how to live in poverty people? Jesus
paid the one worker same as he paid the other, whether they worked the
whole day or just a few minutes. The reason is charity.
Instead it fears them to be i n poverty. thats not what the money says
on it, and God knows that. In the USA....
Nobleman gave an order, the one without guts disobeyed it. That's why he
took the one coin away from him, and gave it to the one that had 10
coins. So it would get traded and make more. Not because, he did not
sow. Because he disobeyed Him... And again, it was not Jesus he
disobeyed. Yet everyone thinks it was him by the changed Bible books
in Saint Luke. Being called Lord. Thinking they will go to heaven for
making more money.
Now there is an inbound be here around 27. If it hits it does, and
people like Koch Industries and their lies deserve it to happen of big
murdering thieves. Biden also, and his rotten sons. cheat and steal
cheat an steal. Always, thats the kind that go to the flames. noblemen.
me, im just trying to stay alive. And give my full attention to God an
truth. They should of never acted as the nobleman in the story of St
Luke. So many have it all backwards in their head to understand it
correctly really. Even the false Catholics have lied, which is most of
them. they are who needs a vatican bank full of corrupt money, not God's
Rome is the criminal, not the court. the temple is outside. This is well
told of by Jesus. No doubt. What a bunch of satan lovers in this world.
The deaths of Ukraine and Russia were for nothing. They still will go to
the slaughter like the ox. To dam stupid they all are.
nasa says 1990mu is coming. Is it? Its so large, i do not understand
how they predict something thats so out of shape, to go in a proper
direction if you know what i do mean. 55,000 miles per hour? If it hits
something that size, will sure wipe the sins right off everyones faces,
just like that.
oops mistake above. it should say the one with guts, not without......